E-skip made its first appearance of 2002 (and in a LONG time) here in Chicopee, MA, giving me at least 12 unidentifable stations, two of which I presume are WLNK-Charlotte and WABB-Mobile, but there is no way to verify them. The two stations which I did get ID from were:


99.7 FM   WNNX-FM    Atlanta, GA     Class C, 100kw@315m AAT       863 miles southwest… Heard “99X” ID after a good alternative song.  7:08 PM 1/4/02


99.7 FM   WJMI-FM    Jackson, MS   Class C 98kw@323m AAT  1,185 miles southwest.. Heard a Urban song then “99 Jams” and mention of Jackson.


I had been shying away from FM DX for a while because I was having very little success so I was focusing on AM DX and TV DX, but I finally picked up some FM DX again, I’ve been waiting a long time and my interest in FM DX is back.. that’s basically all I’ve been doing ever since. The last time I caught good e-skip was from WMC-FM Memphis (also on 99.7) in 1999. There are a lot of radio stations out here, and I have just a regular $10 Radio Shack antenna, which I intend to upgrade with a Gift Card to Radio Shack I got for Christmas.. my tuner is an Optonica SA-5205, which seems very precise with other antennas, but this antenna really screws it up and causes a lot of overflow.. unfortunately it is the only one that gets  DX any good. I got stations on many frequencies last night, but those were the only I got to identify. I think I got WLNK, but I’m mad at myself for not listening. I notice a station over WXKS, and Backstreet Boys’ song was on (I hate boy bands.. I’m 13—you probably already know).. so I knew it wasn’t WEBE, which had Delilah on, and 2 minutes later I came back and heard a song I liked, but then it faded out on me. My stupidness really showed there.




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